Negotiating for a Mutually Beneficial Relationship
Presenter: Anthony Fasano, PE
Target Audience: Seller-Doers, Account/Project Managers, and BD/Marketing Pros
Goal: Learn and apply the strategies on negotiation that will be mutually beneficial for your firm and your client
Duration: 1 Hour
While it’s not always easy to identify potential opportunities, and prepare winning proposals, it doesn’t necessarily get easier after you’ve won the job. You then have to negotiate the terms of your contract. How well you do this will play a major role in your company’s success on each project.
The terms of the contract can have a major impact on the project itself, so time spent negotiating favorable terms is time well spent.
Learning Objectives: The purpose of this module is for you to learn and apply effective negotiation skills in your contracts that will mutually benefit your client and your firm. In this module, you will learn how to:
- Prepare for contract negotiations,
- Apply the different negotiating strategies,
- Know the verbal and nonverbal tactics that can be used in negotiation, and
- Utilize concessions to your advantage.
“While this seminar was on things that I haven't dealt with yet, I think that it was a great way to begin understanding how to negotiate.” — Jennifer
“I thought the time spent on each of the objectives was correctly proportioned. Preparing for negotiations is paramount. If you don't prepare, you're setting yourself up for failure.” — Michael
“Interesting topic, my boss always tells me to say as little as possible in all meetings, and only answer questions. You do not have to respond to statements.” — Ryan
“This is a great webinar for someone like myself who is in the early stages of being a project manager and I will take these lessons with me as I progress” — Brian